auto this_episode = episode<78> {
.title =
"I'm a Bit Rusty",
This week we have a special panel made up of members of the C++ community,
joined by members of the Rust community.
We have a round table discussion of how the two languages relate, differ - and how entwined their fates may be.
We also learn why Rust doesn't have random numbers, but why it's lucky to have Burnt Sushi.
.links = {
"The Rust Lang website",
"Ferrous Systems", /* Rust training and consultancy */
"CppCast", /* The _other_ podcast, by C++ developers, for C++ developers */
"Garden", /* A plant oriented game, written in Rust */
"#include c++", /* a global, inclusive, and diverse community for developers interested in C++ */
"Burnt Sushi" /* Prolific Rust cargo author, Andrew Gallant, on github */
.tags = { "rust" }