Strong opinions, (bi-)weekly held - with great guests from the C++ community

5 episodes for the tag, 'c++20'

episode<51> { "The next Call to Random() Must Be 4", { "Björn Fahller" }, 5 / March / 2019y };
episode<58> { "Aggressively Stealing from Other Languages", { "Victor Zverovich" }, 30 / August / 2019y };
episode<53> { "The Puns Only Appeared after We Added Co_", { "Gor Nishanov" }, 29 / April / 2019y };
episode<52> { "How Hard Is It to Write a Build Tool?", { "Ben Craig" }, 13 / March / 2019y };
episode<63> { "All the C++30 Features - but Right Now", { "Sean Baxter" }, 6 / November / 2019y };