Tom Honermann is a software engineer at Synopsys where he has been working on the Coverity static analyzer for the past 8 years. His first C++ standard committee meeting was Lenexa in 2015. He currently chairs the SG16 text and Unicode study group and has participated in the SG2 modules, SG13 HMI/IO, and SG15 tooling study groups. His contributions to C++20 include the new char8_t builtin type. A C++ minion with 20 years professional experience. Husband and father of two awesome boys.
episode<70> {
"We’re Not Going to Allow You to Throw 💩 Anymore",
{ "Corentin Jabot", "Tom Honermann", "Peter Brett", "Steve Downey", "Zach Laine" },
2 / April / 2020y